Christine Alfonso

Christine Alfonso

As a teacher of 15 years and a mom of two, working with parent-child relationships has always been something very close and dear to my heart. I became a parenting coach because I am committed to finding the best path to a thriving and secure relationship with my children. The parenting patterns that had learned from our culture and the past were just not working. Once I understood how possible it was to build a relationship with children based on mutual trust, understanding and care, I became deeply passionate about supporting other parents in this life-changing work. I believe all children deserve to be guided and loved by the best version each of us have to offer them, as parents. I know that we all want to be a loving, peaceful parent that has a meaningful connected relationship with our children. I truly love watching the same transformation in my clients as I experienced through the Jai Parenting curriculum. The healing, peace, and connection is real and lasting!